
Introduction to Google Reader

Do you have a group of websites that you like to visit often? Do you wish there was a way you could know when new stuff was added to those websites? Don't you wish there was a way that you could get all the new stuff without having to visit every site, every day?

Well, there is. It's called RSS. And it's been around for quite awhile. In face I mentioned it over three years ago.

RSS can be a little confusing to get started with, but recently I ran across a great little company called Common Craft. They make simple to understand videos about techno stuff. Here is the one explaining how to use RSS and how to use it with Google Reader, too. Awesome!

They also have another video with more specifics about Google Reader. Also worth a look.

RSS will transform the way you browse the web. So please check it out!

While you're there check out the video for Google Docs. It is a free and easy alternative to Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, et al.)

1 comment:

John Herro said...

Lew, Thanks! I never understood RSS until I saw that short video.
- Uncle John