
Skybus Airlines Promises $10 Fares

Skybus is a new airline that is offering low-low fares by cutting costs everywhere it can and then nickel-and-dimes you for the rest.

I like the idea of $10 one-way tickets; especially considering that they fly out of Columbus and into Richmond, VA (close to my parents). But I'm not so sure I like all the cost-cutting. According to this Wikipedia article, the majority of the cost-cutting comes from paying everyone a lot less than normal (that includes paying pilots half the normal wage) and not having any customer service to speak of. You're probably thinking that still isn't enough to be able to make a profit off $10 fares. Actually you're right, they'll also inundate you with advertisements (inside and outside the plane), and pressure you to buy all sorts of things during the flight (i.e. snacks, drinks, entertainment, etc.).

I'm certainly fed up with high prices and poor customer service for airline travel, but I think I would be happier with paying a reasonable amount and actually getting good service. It's been a long time since I enjoyed flying.

The low fare is definitely intriguing, but it all seems just a little too risky for me. Oh, if I was young and fancy free, maybe. But now? ;)


Anonymous said...

I don't think I would want to fly on an airline charging only $10...with pilots getting 1/2 normal wage. Pilots don't think they get paid enough now...which ones would fly for 1/2 normal wage? Save the money anywhere else but not with the pilots. Scarey.
Your Mother in Virginia

Anonymous said...


As one who tends to travel quite a bit for work, I want my flight crew happy. Even though I have a cousin that is a pilot for Southwest, it is my last choice for flights as I like to reserve my seat. Besides it is only a days drive to CW.

Old Cousin Mike