
Oops, Blockbuster Screws You Again

For awhile there I thought Blockbuster might have turned its back on all its rotten ways. They had banished the late fee (of course, not really, but it was a step in the right direction) and they had moved into online movie rentals to give Netflix a run for its money. I really thought they were coming around. I should've known better.

To make its online venture enticing, Blockbuster allowed customers to rent the same number of movies as Netflix at a similar price, but with the added bonus of being able to swap the movies in their store. That's something that Netflix couldn't offer. I love Netflix, and I'll admit that it was a good deal.

Unfortunately Blockbuster can't stand to give customers a good deal, so they've started changing customer's plans or outright canceling some users accounts. The reports suggest that the practice is varied, but it is definitely happening. Most are seeing three otpions: their rates go up for the same level of service, the rate stays the same with less service, or their account is canceled. Any way you do it, Blockbuster is giving you a raw deal.

I'm glad I stayed with Netflix, which incidentally recently lowered my monthly rate by $1.


Anonymous said...

I am very pleased with Netflix, too.
and my plan cost was also lowered. I have had no problems with them at all and I receive my movies within 1 to 2 days after I send one back...
Blockbuster gave me a hard time once too often and I vowed to never deal with them again.
Plus the reason I even do the DVD through the mail is so that I don't have to get in the car and go to the store. Duh.
Thanks, Lew, for hooking me up with Netflix. Love ya Ma

John Herro said...

Thank God for competition in that area. We're not so lucky in the area of delivering letters!